BLUE HAWK Retirement
A Cooperative Plan for Retirement Success.
As a purchasing cooperative, BLUE HAWK is already able to sponsor a Multiple Employer Plan (MEP) for its members. The MEP structure allows independent but related businesses to pool their retirement plan assets and create one master plan that benefits all Members of the group.
Do you already sponsor a 401(k) plan for your employees? Perhaps you run a SIMPLE IRA or profit sharing plan. Whether your plan is large and mature or just starting up, BLUE HAWK Retirement can help. You already trust BLUE HAWK to help you compete in your core business. BLUE HAWK Retirement will let you outsource the management of your 401(k) to your most trusted partner and dedicate more time and energy to growing your bottom line.
BLUE HAWK Retirement provides an IRS pre-approved master plan document that allows adopting Members flexibility to choose the plan provisions that work best for them. For example, in the BLUE HAWK Retirement Plan, Members choose employee eligibility requirements, entry dates, and vesting schedules that best fit their budgetary and corporate objectives. For your most valuable employees, BHR can accommodate complex employer matching formulas. (This allows Safe Harbor and Profit Sharing matches adding up to more than $50,000 per year.) Members are able to adjust their plan provisions as their businesses grow and change. The result is a plan that is always in alignment with Members’ goals and business circumstances.
For more information contact:
Andrew C. Thompson, MBA
President, Group Business
The Capital Group
608.268.5100 (p)
260.455.9398 (f)